| FOR-U Smart Freight - 北京福佑多多信息技术有限公司
For-u.com is officially launched, replacing the previous “fuyoukache.com”

On March 10, the English version of the new for-u.com website is officially launched, immediately following the launch of the Chinese website, replacing the previous “fuyoukache.com”. The website’s language can be toggled from English to Chinese, or vice versa, using the language switch in the top right corner of the landing page.

“Make road freight transportation simpler and smarter” is our mission.

We want shippers to be able to book a truck at their convenience. We want all carriers to have real loads, and to receive each and every payment on time.

Technology is the key to fulfilling our mission. From the “FOR-U Brain” button on the home page, webpage visitors can check how the Smart Dispatching System dramatically improves efficiency, how the Smart Pricing System offers real-time pricing, and how the Smart Service System guarantees service quality on every order.

Innovation continues: In August 2020, together with TRUNK, we combined autonomous driving technology with the FOR-U platform to build the next-gen technology-enabled road freight platform, with a goal of jointly promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving in the road freight scenarios.

The new website also integrates FOR-U’s social media accounts––including official WeChat, Weibo, and LinkedIn––so to facilitate dedicated, timely communications with our users.
